
Digital art direction & visual design in collaboration with the Groundcycle creative team. A refreshed logo design, new website concepts, and a new branding system were needed to elevate Groundcycle’s footprint, both locally and online.

Groundcycle is a non-profit organization and platform centered around sustainability and food equality for residents of New York City. It provides a door-to-door compost and community supported agriculture (CSA) delivery service, community-based educational programming, and collaborations with various close-loop designed lifestyle products for daily needs.

Logo Design

Making Groundcycle’s logo uniquely closed-loop in all ways with the Groundcycle creative team.

Web Design

Creating a personality-driven website that incorporates both education and information for prospective and current Groundcycle members.


Art Direction

Social and content that feels fresh and innovative.


Design System

An important part of the system was creating an accessible, replicable design for community members and volunteers to use to develop their own materials as needed. This presentation below is an example of how light branding was applied to an important part of Groundcycle’s initiatives — onboarding other volunteers to get them involved!


Seedlin, a Groundcycle zine

A creative editorial project with Groundcycle members & friends Amanda Chen, Patrick Dunham, Sandy Sanchez & Founder Vivian Lin.